I began taking an experimental medicine in April of 2012, with an RNA Drops mini-bottle and then I ordered a full bottle which I am still on (as of August 10th 2012). My awareness of RNA Drops comes from listening to the Ca$hFlow show on Achieve Radio hosted by James Martinez and guest starring Bob Nevritt (whom I first heard as Bob Dobbs on CKLN 88.1 fm, a community radio station that I volunteered at in Toronto). Around April 22nd 2009 a historic broadcast featured the first appearance of para-extra-large iON introduced as 'Ian' (link) and then later Bob's wife the Doctor of the Future Carolyn Dean was added to the mix and eventually a new product hyped to perfect your DNA replication via RNA, or something like that, emerged. From what I understand RNA Drops are now on their 70th generation and are also known as The Bread of Living Water, distributed at this link by Matthew Hurtado. After listening to the Ca$hflow show's weekly promotion of the drops for more than a year, I finally decided to order a mini-bottle to maybe experience some ascension. BEWARE What follows below are some rare unlisted personal research videos, proceed with caution and watch if you dare.
(Note: RNA Drops have been explained to be unique to the individual and if every user reacts differently then don't base your own view on what you see on this page adventure...)
This is a full documentation (48 minutes) of my first experiences with RNA Drops:
After doing the trial bottle, I moved on to order the full bottle, this video documents the 'unboxing' and first try of the full RNA Drops bottle:
Here's a question I have been wondering about since before I started taking RNA drops, who is iON the mysterious spokesperson representing more than a zillion entities of the Guf? For more info check out iON's website (HowIonic.com)... Now if you're familiar with iON you'll know he's presented through the voice of the mysterious 'J.W.' and while doing research on RNA bottles I found a pending patent for the iCell, here's the link to the iCell application that inculdes the formula & ingredients (here) and one of the names listed on the application was a Jeffery Wallace Edwards of Breman, Georgia, then when I searched this name I was shocked to find that a Jeffery Wallace 'J.W.' Edwards of Breman had been sentenced to nine years in prison.
For more info on this check out the FBI press release (link), U.S. department of Justice (link) and Bureau of prisons listing (link)
Is the J.W. that was sentenced to time in a Federal Prison on December 1st 2011 the same J.W. who had been appearing as iON on Ca$hflow every Wednesday from October 21st 2009 til November 30th 2011? Well the timing of these events seem quite coincidental and i've been exploring coincidence for some time now (note: one of the radical statements iON has made is that there is no time). I also found a post where Bob was asked about this confusion on the FiveBodied forum, he replied "Nope, that's not our guy in the Fed." (link)
So what's going on? Well I mentioned at the start that i'm still taking the drops (although I have to admit not everyday) and maybe even melting a bit of titanium on the odd occasion. I might even update this page some time too. For a review I'd say that the RNA drops took a little getting used to, if you watched the entire first video posted above you'd see how long it took me to figure out how to load the dropper. I consider myself a skeptical guy but seeing as how it's 2012 I thought maybe I should try something new. I've heard iON make a lot of far out statements but upon consideration I didn't hear much I disagreed with. So that in mind I decided to give the drops a try and have continued taking them not having any negetive reactions of note. Now I'm thinking I might try the ReNew and ReAline, however the controversy mentioned above makes this choice of purchase a bit more challenging.
If you're still curious about the RNA Drops further research could include Dr. Carolyn Dean's article 'Programming RNA: The Future of Medicine' on (NaturalNews.com) and the guest appearance of Bob and Carolyn on the Jeff Rense radio show (mp3) also the iON section on the Information Farm (Blog) and the official testimonials page on RNADrops (link) and the Ca$hFlow show on AchieveRradio archive (link) for more reviews by users of the drops.
Exodus 25:30 And thou shalt set upon the Table Shew-bread before me alway.
On August 23rd 2012 Daniel Libby called into the CashFlow show on achieve radio, to ask if J.W. the voice of iON was connected with the Jeffery Wallace Edwards listed in the FBI, Justice, and Dept. of Prisons listing (referenced above). The call resulted in an admission by host Bob Nevritt that they were the same guy, but that the prison sentence was some type of cover-up and that JW was currently in Maui, Hawaii. By the end of it DL was statisfied to know that the mystery continues.
Check out the call-in mp3 here:
Or a condensed version on the Information Farm blog (LINK)
As the Mystery Continues... questions remain like why has a free JW been silent since late 2011? Is the RNA Drops affliate program a pyramid scheme? Was Hollywood director Tony Scott planning to make Ion the movie before suiciding? Will the silence of the 88.1 FM frequency continue as dead air static like it has since CKLN radio was shutdown in March 2011? Is the resembelance between modern depictions of ascended master Hilarion and images of Cash Flow host James Martinez a coincidence (comparison poster)? Should I continue to take RNA drops and start taking ReNew and/or ReAline?
All these questions and more might be answered in the future or might not...
It's been an interesting past few weeks with a few answers to the above questions being revealed. On September 11th 2012 the CRTC comission of Canada annouced a winner of the 88.1 fm radio frequence as Indie-FM for independent Rock n' Roll music owned by Rock95. Also an article released on August 20th by the L.A. Times mentioned that Tony Scott was "preparing to produce a science-fiction drama called Ion" (link)
Also on September 20th 2012 Cash Flow broadcast my audio testimonial about RnA drops, listen here for the full show or the player below for the mp3 excerpt:
word out, til next...
As the end of the begining approaches the end of the calendar year of 2012, it seems like the right time to step up on RnA drops intake taking the advice of Matthew in the above audio clip I decided to up my dosage and purchased a bottle of Re-Bob. The video below you'll see some clips including the un-boxing and a few updates in one video sequence:
Plus, some further updates on the mystery surrounding the J.W. 'dissappearance conspiracy, when I called into Cash Flow on November 15th 2012 you'll find that audio here:
Now the Cash Flow show has moved into a new stage on Achieve Radio and Bob is hosting his own show Pay Day (link) so I called-in on the third episode November 29th 2012 to provide an update on the current happenings of Toronto city politics relating to some of the previous call:
So now things are getting interesting with a possible municipal by-election for Mayor (here's a link to the City Hall video) and Bob even recently revealing the players behind the JFKennedy assassination (link) plus the countdown to the end 2012 going on, this is great timing to be in the now... Stay tuned
New calls in to the Pay Day show on Achieve Radio hosted by Bob Neveritt included December 4th (during hours 2, 3, & 4) and December 20th/21st 2012 (during hours 2, & 3) for the Apocolypse Armageddon exposed episode, as mentioned in the show here's the video iON & the End of Time (link) on youtube:
2013: Starting the year off with the remaining drops from a ReBOB bottle, more info in this video update:
(p.s. the archive of the Cold Fusion Now radio interview where Bob describes his cold fusion battery available at this link)
May 2013 DL returns to Pay Day with call ins to the show available on the players below:
Also raw shows on Achieve Radio archives May 16th 2013 (hour 4 and 5) and May 28th 2013 (hour 1 and 2)
NEW UPDATE! Featuring improved RnA Drops plus a trial of ReNew...
June 4th 2013: A new package of RnA drops and ReNew skin serum arrived in mail, and I began taking both as if starting from the begining. (This was a few weeks after the ReBob bottle had run out.) And much like the earlier testimonials I filmed the unboxing and did a few updates, the RnA drops proved to be much like previously with the results hard to describe. But with the ReNew advanced skin serum I was able to record visable results involving a small white dot (pimple-like) that had appeared above my eye approximately 290 days previously (Sometime in August 2012). If you are interested in these results please check the 'Eye-Chart Poster' and full video listed below:
VERDICT:This Serum Works!
June 27th 2013: To report on the ReNew results I called into the Day Pay show on achieve radio in hour 2300 of the a show as a Toronto correspondent click the link or listen to the appearance below:
July 20th 2013: ReNew works update, includes unboxing event for new supply of ReNew and a bonus bottle of ReAline, video update:
Next update will be about RnA drops, ReNew, and now ReAline...
Some of the latest events on iON related radio involve the time-slot change of Pay Day, going from Tuesday and Thursday nights, to working for the weekend on a one day Saturday show. Bob hosts with Dr. Dean and assorted guest characters and importantly more never before heard clips of iON (circa 2009-2011) including some of these important clips revealed as iON's biggest victim (mp3), JW was set up like Lee Harvey Oswald? (mp3), and iON repeats 'There is No Time' (mp3) *Audio clips courtesy of Achieve Radio, iOn free radio, New Grand View Entertainment, including these audio archives from callin' in to Achieve Radio's Pay Day... Bonus: origins of Rob Ford scandal revealed on Pay Day November 23rd 2013 clip (mp3)
March 29th 2014 DL talks to iON and asks about Hollywood director Tony Scott's exodus and the movie 'Ion' listen here for the full show hour or the player below for an mp3 excerpt:
April 5th 2014 callers discuss rumors realting to Daniel Libby and this blog page RnA Drops Exposed (hour 1900)
Bonus: April 6th 2014 Bob explains the creation of iON (hour 0300)
April 13th 2014 DL calls in re: the changes in RnA Drops operations (hours 0600 & 0700)
April 19th 2014 DL calls in topics include authors Walter Wager and James Joyce (hour 2100)
April 20th 2014 DL calls in topics include Adam Vaughan and John Judge (hour 0500)
May 11th 2014 DL calls in about Frank Zappa and the Super Duper Alice Cooper documentary (hours 0700 & 0800)
June 8th 2014 DL calls in regarding the RnA drops corporate controversy and maybe a bit about Adam Vaughan (hour 0800)
Surprise Appearance: Bob Dobbs appears in Toronto announced via a message from the owner of Conspiracy Culture check out the video coverage here of an evening in the Rainbow Village featuring Ad Absurdum on Saturday September 20th 2014
Bob Dobbs and Daniel R. Libby (Toronto, 2014)
Linus Minimax and Bob Dobbs (Toronto, 2014)
September 28th 2014 DL calls in thanks to Bob for the Toronto appearance (hour 0500)
October 25th 2014 DL asks iON about Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford's recovery (hour 2200 & 2300)
November 2nd 2014 DL calls in on All Souls Day on the topic of Marshall McLuhan, listen for the full show hours 0700 & 0800 or the player below for an excerpted mp3:
Bonus: November 29th 2014 Pay Day airs clips of iON's appearance as a Skype hologram (ion-and-bob)
Video Update: Featuring September 11th 2013 the Unboxing of a new package of RnA drops, plus September 21st 2013 update on RnA, ReNew, and ReAline... All the way until January 4th 2015 as previously promised
Update: February 23rd 2015 the Unboxing of a new package of RnA drops with love from RnAReset.com